
The book of moonlight is
not written yet, nor half begun.
-Wallace Stevens
I pack no provisions for my long journey -
entering emptiness under the midnight moon.
-A Chinese Sage
That I could clamber to the frozen moon
And draw the ladder after me.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
The night walked down the sky
with the moon in her hand.
-Frederick L. Knowles
ocean's voice
making moon thirsty
-John Sandbach
If I were the moon,
I know where I would fall down.
-D. H. Lawrence
Moonlight is sculpture.
-Nathaniel Hawthorne
Along the path,
the gaze of the moon follows you.
The tangled branches there on the snow
mark out the signs of your thoughts.
-Francois Cheng
I'll blow you that wonderful bubble, the moon,
That floats forever and a day.
-e e cummings
mindless afternoon moon
just along
for the ride
-John Sandbach
The moon like a flower
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight,
Sits and smiles on the night.
-William Blake
The moving moon went up to the sky,
And nowhere did abide;
Softly she was going up,
And a star or two beside.
-Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The queen of the night shines fair
with all her virgin stars about her.
-Thomas Otway
And hail their queen, fair regent of the night.
-Erasmus Darwin
The silver empress of the night.
-Thomas Tickell
The moon, like to a silver bow
new bent in heaven.
-William Shakespeare
Slowly, silently now the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoon.
-Walter de la Mare
on the snow
the moon
becomes stars
-John Sandbach
Lights of a thousand stars
do not make one moon.
-Chinese Proverb
The moon looks
On many brooks,
The brook can see no moon but this.
-Thomas Moore
The moon looks upon many night flowers;
the night flowers see but one moon.
-Jean Ingelow
One moon 
in every pool;
In every pool
the one 
At midnight, in the month of June, 
I stand beneath the mystic moon.
An opiate vapor, dewy, dim
Exhales from out her golden rim,
And softly dripping, drop by drop,
Upon the quiet mountain top,
Steals drowsily and musically
Into the universal valley.
-Edgar Allan Poe
The moon outside my window
Is usually the same moon,
But as soon as there are plum flowers
It becomes a different moon.
-Zen Saying
Deep in the woods
no companions,
Until the moon comes
and shares its lustre with me.
-Wang Wei
Whiteness of moonlight
builds a house that is not there
-Kathleen Raine
On this summer night
All the household lies asleep,
And in the doorway,
For once open after dark,
Stands the moon, brilliant, cloudless.
-Jusammi Chikako
Where are you hurrying to?
You will see the same moon tonight
Wherever you go.
-Izumi Shikibu
The moon is a white strange world,
great, white, soft-seeming globe in the night sky,
and what she actually communicates to me across space
I shall never fully know.
-D. H. Lawrence
There is something haunting in the light of the moon;
it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul,
and something of its unconceivable mystery.
-Joseph Conrad
The loveliest faces are to be seen by moonlight,
when one sees half with the eye and half with fancy.
-Persian Proverb
The moon! Artemis!
the great goddess of the splendid past of men!
Are you going to tell me she is a dead lump?
-D. H. Lawrence
When we describe the moon as dead,
we are describing the deadness in ourselves.
-D. H. Lawrence
What do you do there, moon, in the sky?
Tell me what you do, silent moon.
When evening comes you rise
and go contemplating wastelands;
then you set.
-Giacomo Leopardi
Dig a hole for your pond
without waiting for the moon.
When the pond is finished,
the moon will come by itself.
-Dogen Kenji
There are nights when the wolves are silent,
and only the moon howls.
-George Carlin
Doth the moon care for the barking of a dog?
-Robert Burton
I haven't shaken my fists at the moon.
-Ian Drury
The tempest roars -
but above the clouds,
where the din
Cannot reach her,
dwells the moon serene.
-Kado no Azumamaro
As the moon's fair image quaketh
In the raging waves of ocean,
While she, in the vault of heaven,
Moves with silent peaceful motion.
-Heinrich Heine
the moon cycles to fulfill herself
-Carolyn Mary Kleefeld
Moon light through high branches,
Is being nothing else
But moonlight through high branches.
-Fernando Pessoa
On whose door does the moonlight not shine?
-Zen Saying
My barn having burned to the ground,
I can now see the moon.
-Taoist Saying
Not a soul ever visits my hut
Except the friendly light of the moon,
Peeping through the woods.
The moon is a friend
for the lonesome to talk to.
-Carl Sandburg
A crescent moon.
sitting in the boat,
moonlight on my lap.
Who says you cannot hold the moon in your hand?
Tonight when the stars come out
and the moon rises in the velvet sky,
look outside your window,
then raise your hand and position your fingers
around the disk of light.
There you go...That was easy!
-Vera Nazarian
Autumn after autumn,
the moonlight comes and goes.
moon looks down
scarecrow does not
look up
-John Sandbach
If there is no full moon in the sky,
How is it possible to see the reflection in the pond?
-Chogyam Trungpa
Winds drive
all the clouds
off the blue heavens;
On the green mountain
the moon rises -
one round pearl.
-A Zen Forest
Perhaps the crescent moon smiles in doubt
at being told that it is a fragment
awaiting perfection.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Maybe the moon may learn,
Tired of that courtly fashion,
A new dance turn.
-William Butler Yeats
Moon, worn thin to a width of a quill,
In the dawn clouds flying,
How good to go, light into light, and still
Giving light, dying.
-Sara Teasdale
The sixteen phases of the moon
go on waxing during the first fortnight;
yet the moon is as it is, in itself a perfect whole.
For seven nights
The moon kept my company
As I courted the one I love.
And so now the Moon has arrived at this instant
At this Time we had hoped for, feared and expected
For the Moon's ever Change, Life's only constant
For Change is all that She ever reflected
-Lyn Birkbeck
A naked moon stood in a naked sky.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton
almost at the equator
almost at the equinox
 exactly at midnight
    from a ship
      the full


in the center of the sky.
-Gary Snyder
In the dead of night
the moonlight strikes
the middle of the pond.
-Muso Soseki
No waves, no wind,
the empty boat
is flooded with moonlight.
Watching the moon
at midnight,
solitary, mid-sky,
I knew myself completely,
no part left out.
-Izumi Shikibu
full moon
filling the eye
-Gabriel Rosenstock
Harvest moon:
around the pond I wander
and the night is gone.
-Matsuo Basho
How bright and transparent
the moonlight of wisdom.
The moon became mind
and entered the heart.
-Aitareya Upanishad
Once you realize that this flawless moon
dwells deep and pure in each human heart,
all dark nights dissolve into clear skies.
I sighed
but you swooned
I saw the crescent
You saw the whole of the moon
-Mike Scott
The moon is always most happy
When it is full.
-Daniel Ladinsky
The light of the moon
is the light of the sun.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The moon is in love with the sun
And the stars fill the skies with their laughter.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
Those who unite the sun and moon
within themselves
attain the ultimate clarity.
-Deng Ming-Dao